Forklift Capacity Calculator

Finding the right forklift is not as difficult as some people might suggest. There are however a number of vital factors that you will need to take into consideration. Some of these include the forklift certification and the forklift capacity. You'll also need to consider the terrain where you'll be working. Ultimately, the forklift you choose will fall under one of three categories: Manual, Electric or Internal combustion.

• Manual Forklifts: Manual Forklifts are the simplest units that you'll find. This however does not mean that they are inefficient. They are commonly found in places where power and mobility are not high factors e.g. retail outlet or stores. The fork lift capacity of manual forklifts is significantly lower than those found with other categories. They are commonly used in lifting items that weigh below 5000 pounds.

• Electric Forklifts: Like the name suggests, electric forklifts are powered by batteries which need to be charged regularly. They do not generally have as much power as internal combustion engines. The fork lift capacity is however higher than those of manual forklifts. Electric forklifts are capable of lifting items that weigh as much as 15,000 pounds. There are several benefits to using electric forklifts. Electric forklifts are ideal for indoor use. Because they are not powered by fuel, they do not produce any significant pollutants which might be worsened by the lack of a good ventilation system. They are also significantly quieter than gas powered lifts.

• IC Forklifts: Internal combustion(IC) forklifts are powered by fuel sources such as diesel, gasoline, liquid propane or natural gas (compressed). Units within this category have the highest fork lift capacity and are capable of lifting items ranging from 10,000 pounds to 80,000 pounds and up. IC forklifts are better suited to outdoor use because of their size and lifting capacity and they do emit exhaust fumes which is not an imminent health issue in outdoor usage. They are designed to overcome unique terrain and are more resistant to the effects of the weather.

Forklifts are invaluable tools but they can also be dangerous if used wrongly. Because of this, forklift operators are expected to be trained and certified in line with the safety guidelines of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). During their training program, forklift operators learn how to work with a forklift. They are also trained on vital areas such as the importance of load centering, the right balance and straight pallet stacking.

However, even with the fundamental training, it still takes a lot of experience to correctly identify the right fork lift for a task. Fortunately, there are a number of online services with tools that operators can use in determining the right fork lift capacity. One of these is the Lift Truck Capacity Calculator and the capacity consulting service offered by Professional Forklift Engineering Services.

Thanks to the support of the computing application provided by the site, it is possible for operators to compile all the factors related to a forklift and then use this in accurately calculating the fork lift capacity. The application was developed by a team of engineers with many years of experience gained from working with some of the biggest fork-lift manufactures in the world. For more information about the program, visit